National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan

National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan

The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) is a strategic document that member countries of the European Union must submit to the European Commission as a result of the forecast of EU Regulation 2018/1999 of the European Parliament. According to this regulation, each Member State must periodically inform the Commission (before December 31, 2019, before January 1, 2029, and then every ten years) about its National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan.

The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan aims to establish a political and regulatory framework that will enable the achievement of climate objectives by 2030. The document covers five interconnected dimensions: energy efficiency, renewable energies, energy security, internal energy market, and just transition. The plans should be detailed enough to allow the European Commission to assess whether the EU as a whole can achieve its objectives for 2030.

In Spain, the main goals of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan are:

  • Decarbonization: advancing in the decarbonization of the country, establishing a solid base to achieve climate neutrality of the economy and society by 2050. In this sense, the PNIEC aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 23% compared to 1990. To achieve this goal, it will be essential to replace fossil fuels with clean and renewable energies, as well as to electrify a large part of thermal demand and transportation.

  • Promotion of renewable energies: achieving a 42% share of renewables in final energy consumption. Also, another objective is to ensure that 74% of electricity generation comes from renewable energies: wind (onshore and offshore), photovoltaic solar, thermal solar, biofuels, ocean energies, biomass, and geothermal. In this regard, measures to promote renewable energy sources in the three uses of energy (transport, heating, and electricity) are considered.

  • Energy efficiency: achieving a 39.5% improvement in energy efficiency by 2030. For this, it will be necessary to intervene in the thermal envelope of 1,200,000 homes during the period 2020-2030. It will also be necessary to renovate the heating and domestic hot water systems of 300,000 homes each year. In addition, the stock of public buildings above 300,000 m2 will have to be renewed each year. Similarly, measures will be implemented to promote sustainable mobility. The reduction of traffic and travel, the use of public transport, the renewal of the automotive fleet, and the electrification of transport will be encouraged.

  • Energy security: ensuring continuous supply and access to necessary energy resources at any time. Also, the PNIEC seeks to promote safe, clean, and efficient energy. The document also aims to reduce energy dependence and promote the flexibility of the national energy system.

  • Energy market: promoting a more competitive, flexible, and transparent national energy market, with a greater presence in cross-border commercial relations. Similarly, the National Strategy against Energy Poverty approved in 2019 will be implemented.

  • Research, innovation, and competitiveness: the plan also includes measures aimed at promoting research and development of solutions capable of addressing energy and social challenges in the field of sustainable development.

I am clear that to ensure that these objectives are effectively achieved, the implementation of precise measurement and monitoring tools will be fundamental. In this regard, mathematical models and artificial intelligence (AI) will play a key role. These technologies will allow monitoring progress, predicting outcomes, and optimizing strategies in real-time, ensuring that Spain stays on the right track towards its 2030 goals.


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